Since I started giving readings in Sept of 2022... I have offered either a quick 15 minute reading... that always went to 30 minutes... and the one hour readings.... that always go to two and even sometimes three hours.... but never charging for those extra hours.. I did it because I love it, I always want to pull out as much info as I can and I don't like putting a timer on anything. BUT.... my time is now becoming an issue.
In order to reign in my time... I am now offering either a one hour reading (that may go over 15 minutes at the most)... or a two hour reading (that may go over by 30 minutes if need be).
The ONE HOUR reading uses about half the cards I usually use for my usual two hour reading. It's cutting the cards chosen down to the bare minimum. ($80)
The TWO HOUR reading will be the reading that I have normally given since September 2022... and spend 2-3 hours with each client. This is a long reading and it tends to be almost like a mini life coaching session. ($150)