The characteristics of a Peace Positive™ individual would be that...
They can FEEL the difference in the "right-side UP" peace sign IMMEDIATELY!
They tend to be warm, caring and kind-hearted individuals... who strive to keep peace within their own lives and the lives of others.
They see the beauty and sacredness in all life, and appreciate each day as a gift and a chance to see or learn something new and wonderful.
They tend to steer AWAY from all forms of drama and chaos. Most choose a quiet and simple lifestyle... while still keeping a close connection to family and friends.
They are more open-minded and accepting of the beliefs and choices of others. They resonate with the saying, "Live and let live."
They are positive-minded individuals... or they are striving toward bettering themselves and becoming a more positive-minded and positive-focused individual each and every day.
They ARE... or are becoming more "conscious & aware". They are AWAKE... or awakening!
They may practice meditation, yoga or some other form of spiritual practice and/or physical exercise.
They are consciously aware of the importance of health, diet and fitness... and the positive or negative effects our own health has on the planet. Many may be vegetarian or vegan... or would like to be.
They have the ability to appreciate all forms of art & music. They have an understanding that art & music are all forms of individual creativity and expression... whether perceived as positive or negative.
They understand that there is no "I am higher or lower than you". We are all EQUAL spiritual beings on different paths of learning in a physical reality.
They understand that world peace cannot be forced (through war), but instead, must evolve within each individual.... one person at a time.
They understand that nothing BELONGS to us; nothing has been given to us absolutely; everything has been given to us as a LOAN, including... our time, our talents, our families, our knowledge, our experiences, our wisdom, our prestige, our influence in society, our bank accounts, our property and our possessions.
Our LIFE itself is a "loan" given to us to be passed on to the next generation.
NAMASTE! They would most likely understand what the meaning of NAMASTE is.